You can save a lot of money by doing a little research before you travel and plan what you are going to use for purchases while you are abroad.
Cash is the simplest, but most insecure way of carrying and using money, but it is always worth having some foreign currency and sterling with you. Check your insurance policy to see how much the insurance company will cover in the event of loss. For foreign currency shop around on line and don't leave everything till the last minute. There are some great deals for advance purchase and currency delivery to your home. Never rely on cash as your only option.
Credit and Debit Cards are the simple and convenient way to have a reserve of funds, but they are generally expensive to use drawing cash from an ATM, although they are relatively inexpensive when making purchases. Check the fees charged by your card company before you go. Please also note that most 24 hour petrol automated pumps in France do not accept UK issued credit or debit cards.
Travellers Cheques are one of the most secure options, but they are expensive to purchase and changing sterling cheques usually incurs extra commission or poorer exchange rates. Moreover, especially in Italy there are less and less places that accept them or even banks willing to change them, including some of the most famous names in travellers cheques. One of our customers recently who had changed all their holiday money into sterling travellers cheques, were told once they got to Italy was that these could be changed only in Rome ! Our villa owner very kindly lent them some Euros until they could organise a transfer of funds to a local bank.
Pre-paid Cards are the new travellers cheques Many cards are now offered with free cash withdrawal facilities , no charge for usage and can be delivered to your home or picked up at your departure point. This should always be considered as it does not advertise to potential burglars the fact that you are going to be away from home. You have a personal pin and can top up your card on-line or by phone. Shop around for the best deals.
The Euro is at €1.20 to the £ today and looks like staying there for a while. We still have a number of luxury villas in France and Italy available for selected weeks in July and August. Many of our villa rentals are on special offer so take advantage of the exchange rate and call us on 01442 870055 to speak to one of our reservations team or visit our website to browse our collection of handpicked villa rentals